Emotion regulation: The Reset
What better way to celebrate the month of love than to improve your ability to bounce back from upsets with authenticity, clarity, and compassion?
At the first sign of distress, give your body the all-clear signal with some slow deep breaths. When you notice that a situation is causing you stress, put your attention on your five senses. This basic mindfulness practice puts your thoughts on your direct experience, taking the focus away from the anxious thoughts that negatively affect your emotions and nervous system.
We have all kinds of practices that help use the data from these stressful situations to stop unhealthy patterns of thinking, but in the moment, what you really need is to take control back by letting all your systems know that you are not actually being chased by a tiger, or in some other grave danger.
Once your breathing and mental focus returns to the reality of the situation, then you can use all manners of tools to assess the situation, check in with what your body, mind, and soul long for, or resolve conflict. You can start with the Reset Take Five practice and then move to the Body Reset practice to start processing what happened and what it is telling you about your feelings and needs.
Whenever you feel any kind stress or concern, first breathe some space around the fact that you are human and you intend to respond with a clear head and a kind heart.
Let your senses bring you back to the reality of the situation.
Take this step after and during some calm breaths.
Once you are able to think more clearly, start to notice your body sensations, feelings, and needs.